No worries that you "can't " cook. You can write and that's better.

And a messy work station doesn't bother me.. but it bothers my husband which is why he drags his feet about cooking for us. Hates to make a mess.

I am a teacher of quilting and sewing. You should see the floor around me after an intense session.

I also wear my threads all over my clothes with pride.


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I will forever be using "I can write and that's better!" whenever I feel less than LOL

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"...and now I know what al dente isn't" cracked me up. "My mistakes are mine now. I won’t learn with an audience. I bristle at external suggestions. There’s that obstinate girl again." is so relatable! Thank you for this!

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Thank you so much for reading 🥰

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(I live alone) my kitchen is such a mix of my “work” paper, groceries and cats that if it ever got “straightened up” (mom words) I wouldn’t be able to function …. Your casserole looks yummy!!

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I'm trying to reach a level of acceptance that this is just how I need to operate!

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Having spent close to ten years or more in the restaurant business you would think your dad would like to cook as well. Nope! But when I do cook it is for me only (I’m sure your mom knows that’s best) and there is no recipes involved. Mostly because it’s a piece of meat and warming up some veggies.

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I must get my cooking style from you!!!

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I love the description of you when you were bartending and the mess you made. When I freelanced at a local magazine publisher, I did the same thing in whatever cubicle I was working in. Proofs and reference books piled everywhere, willy-nilly. I remember an editor coming up to me once and saying, “Can you do something about your cubicle? It’s getting a bit “Wini-ed out.” Now, that’s the description for whenever I make a mess at home, which is often.

I see it as a mark of great concentration. Or something.

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I've read a few times that disorganization is a sign of creative intelligence, so I'm sticking with that notion!!!

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