Bienvenido a Des Moines Celebrates Latino Art and Culture
Don't miss out on this exciting new event
This piece was originally written for CultureALL’s blog.
The ultimate goal of CultureALL is to elevate individuals' behaviors and attitudes to a higher level of acceptance and collaboration for the benefit of our region. We do this through authentic, multicultural experiences that lead to a greater appreciation of diversity. We also work with businesses and corporations on their DEI planning to promote inclusivity within the workplace. If you are in need of cultural education or support in your DEI journey, please contact us a
Seso Marentes was exhausted with the lack of consideration for Latino voices within the Des Moines art community when he approached Zuli Garcia with an idea to celebrate Latino arts and culture.
The Des Moines-based artist had recently received a fellowship from a local arts festival, but decided to turn it down when the organizers quickly made it clear what they were looking for: hurried work created to their perspectives, muting the voice of Seso’s Mexican-American heritage that shines through everything he creates.
Along with Zuli, founder of Knock and Drop Iowa, and Ruby Herrera, advisor to the Latinos in Action class at Roosevelt High School, Seso has founded “Bienvenido a Des Moines,” an arts festival showcasing and celebrating Latino art and culture in Des Moines. The inaugural event will be held on Wednesday, June 12th, from 3-7 pm, at the Franklin Jr. High Event Center in Des Moines.
Bienvenido a Des Moines means “Welcome to Des Moines,” and the organizers want the event to bring that sentiment to life. The event will gather Latino artists and food vendors, Latino youth, local organizations, and members of the wider community to connect across differences and learn more about the culture of the Latino people who call Des Moines home.
“If we don’t have a welcoming space? Let’s make a welcoming space,” Ruby said.
Within that welcoming space, they’ll lift up the Latino voices that have been quieted for so long.
“I want this to be a welcoming environment for all and I want everyone to understand what our culture is about,” Zuli said. “We want to show what our culture brings to the flavor of Des Moines. It’s all about getting to know us.”
Uplifting Latino Voices
Seso started growing more and more uncomfortable with how the previous festival was treating him, trying to dictate his voice and telling him that his community would not show up to an arts event. He began to feel like they wanted to say they supported a Latino artist without understanding and supporting his Latino perspective.
“It bothered me that they said, ‘what about the white people?’” Seso said in regards to what the festival organizers wanted him to create. “I didn’t want to put my community second. So I made the decision to choose my community.”

Instead, he’s chosen to create an event that celebrates the textures of the Latino experience. Bienvenido a Des Moines will include musical performances, folkloric dancers, local food vendors, lowriders, charros, piñatas, and more from the various countries of Latin America. Seso will be creating an interactive work with local youth and attendees, and other Latino artists will be sharing their work as well. Nearly 40 organizations and small businesses will be tabling.
The food, which will be available from 3-6 pm and includes tacos and pupusas, will be free. The only exception are the raspados, a Mexican shaved ice, which will require a free health screening from one of the local community health groups in attendance.
Zuli sees the celebration as a chance to build stronger relationships between the Latino community and the greater Des Moines community.
“We hear so many people talk about how great our cuisine is, but at the end of the day, they don’t like having diversity in their backyard,” Zuli said. “Some organizations want to partner with a minority community just to check a box, but they don’t truly connect with them. We want people to come here and get to know us and see the positive in our culture, not the negative that’s constantly out there.”
Inspiring Latino Children
The negative portrayals of the Latino community have ingrained themselves in many Latino children’s self perceptions. These are narratives Seso, Zuli, and Ruby work to change every day, and they hope the impact of Bienvenido a Des Moines will help local youth expand their perspectives around their own potential.
“The more we empower them to feel comfortable about the culture, the more they want to speak their language and be proud,” said Zuli. “Our mission is to empower the youth to make that change and use their voice.”
Seso has worked with Ruby’s “Latinos in Action,” a group of students selected for a leadership course at Roosevelt High School (the course is used nationwide). When he told them he’s Mexican-American and an artist, he was met with disbelief.
“They looked at each other and said, ‘We can do that?!’” he said.
Seso decided to interview and select students to work with him in his studio at Mainframe Studios. He trained them on printmaking and encouraged them to walk around the business and connect with other artists. One of the students in his workshop was a quiet young boy, but as he worked with Seso, his confidence soared.
“A few days before graduating, he told us, ‘I’m very quiet. But through my art, I was able to speak,’” said Ruby.
Seso, Ruby, and Zuli all try to do their part to help Latino youth see all of the possibilities for their future. It’s a driving force behind the event.
“I’m looking to do something that you can’t put a dollar on. I want kids to never ask if they can do something, I want them to know they can,” Seso said. “They don’t have to be a doctor or a lawyer. They don’t have to do your lawn care or build your house. They can find peace and success at anything they do.”
When the idea for Bienvenido a Des Moines was born, the students of Latinos in Action immediately began thinking of ways they could help.
“Some of the students will perform and work with Seso on his art piece,” Ruby explained. “Some will be in charge of inviting others to dance and feel that joy from the music. Others will be involved in the organizing, helping out at the children’s booth and keeping things in order.”
Ruby, Seso, and Zuli won’t allow the children in their community to have their voices stifled. Ruby’s class utilizes a model that nominates children with leadership potential, rather than the highest achievers in the class, leading to more opportunity for students to prepare for life after high school. Seso introduces students to the world of art and shows them that every dream is valid. And Zuli’s leadership is educating students on what it takes to organize and execute a goal, and empowering them to step up and lead themselves when they hopefully take a bigger part in the planning of next year’s Bienvenido a Des Moines.
The three are hoping to imbue that strength and determination into the larger community, too.
“We’re here. We’ve always been here,” Ruby said. “We’re placing us on the map. Instead of turning into hate, we’re sharing what’s good. This is a space to tell our community, ‘never doubt your identity. This is a space to remind you that who you are is meant to be celebrated.’”

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Great read!